
New BONATRANS production plant in India opened.


BONATRANS‘ plant for the wheel and axle machining and assembly of complete wheelsets has been opened officially in Aurangabad, India.


„It is one of the major steps in our efforts to strengthen the company’s presence in the Asian railway market,“ stated Jakub Weimann, Managing Director of BONATRANS GROUP. He also added: „We are ready to participate in the projects for the Indian public sector, which should support the governmental activities aiming at the growth of national welfare. We have opened our new plant at the same time, in which the leading global railway brands like Alstom and GE won long-term contracts with the Indian railways. Local production in India was one of the key conditions of these contracts. More over, many Indian metropolitan areas have currently big ambitions to solve difficult city transportation problems by building new metro systems.“

Our production lines in Aurangabad are equipped with cutting-edge axle and wheel machining and coating technologies. They are also excellently prepared for complete wheelset assembly, including mounting other components like break discs,  bearing systems, running gears etc. The yearly production capacity of the new plant is 20 000 wheels, 5 000 axles and 5 000 wheelsets. 

News - New BONATRANS production plant in India opened.

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