
Breathing monitors for newborn babies


The Crossroad Foundation handed over 28 breathing monitors to the Ostrava Municipal Hospital. BONATRANS contributed to six of them.

“Our main mission is to mediate the handover of breathing monitors from the donor to the hospital. Together we ensure regular renewal of these sensitive devices in more than 70 hospitals across the Czech Republic. During the first year of a child’s life, breath of a baby might be irregular or might even stop. Slowing down of breathing or apnea can be caused by Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or by cold, high fever or other medical conditions. If the breathing movement stops for more than 20 seconds or if the breathing rate falls below 10 breaths per minute, the device triggers a sound and light alarm and alerts the hospital staff or parents so that the child can receive immediate first aid. The monitor can also disclose shallow breathing and apnea pauses”, described the Foundation director, Mgr. Michaela Špunarová, Ph.D.

The goal of the “Mummy, I’m breathing” project is to equip all baby cots in obstetric, neonatal and ICU units of hospitals in the Czech Republic by breathing monitors. It also allows parents to borrow the breathing monitor for a necessary time period when they leave the hospital with their child.

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